Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pregnancy Due Date.

Pregnancy due date is totally based on a woman's last date of the menstrual period, the estimated due date is of 40 weeks from the first day of the last period. This is not be a just an estimate since only about 5% of babies are born on their estimated due date. When the egg is available for the fertilization and 350 million of the sperm are being released inside or near the woman's vaginal area, about 200 sperm will reach to the egg. Of those 200 sperm, only one will be the actually penetrate the egg, thus causing a conception. Once a woman is should be able to a pregnant, regular checkups by a doctor, certified nurse-midwife or other health care professional during the course of the pregnancy are be a better time of a recommended. The goal of the prenatal care is to be monitoring the progress of a pregnancy and to identify potential problems before they become serious for either the mother or the baby.

In order to calculate your proper approximate of the due date, answer the following questions:

1. What was the first day of your last menstrual period (first day of bleeding?)
2. What is you’re an average cycle length (from first day of your menstrual period to the first day of your next period)?
Estimated fertility of the window: First day of last menstrual period + 10 days through the first day of last menstrual period + 20 days. So, if your period started on May 1, then your fertility window would be: May 11 through May 21.

Estimated conception of the date: First day of last menstrual period + 15 days. So, if your period started on May 1, then your estimated conception due date would be: May 16.
Estimated gestational age:  First day of last menstrual period + elapsed days. So, if your period started on May 1, and today's date is July 1, then your estimated gestational age (how far along in your pregnancy) is approximately 8 weeks, 4 days (60 days).
Estimated due date: First day of last menstrual period + 40 weeks. So, if your period started on May 1, your estimated due date would be February 5.
A PROPER SYNONYM: Baby, conception, fetus, gestational age, in vitro fertilization, menstrual period, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, pregnant, ultrasound.
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